Thursday 16 April 2015

Block Postings

This might be ‘the oldest trick in the book’ but it is still a frequently asked question and therefor I thought it was worth a small blog post.

The question is how do you block/prevent users from posting something in Microsoft Dynamics NAV?

This is actually quite easy. Dynamics NAV has a feature that allows you to limit the dates you can post on by setting a start and ending date, so all you need to do is to set the start date to be after the end date and nothing can be posted. It is that easy!:-)

The dates are set in the General Ledger Setup table using the allowed posting from and allowed posting to fields. Something like below will block posting in Dynamics NAV (since 3/1/15 is after 2/28/15).


Now when you try to post something you will get an error message like below.


Also note that you have the same two fields in the user setup table. If users are setup in this table (and they should not be allowed to post) then you need to either have those fields set the same way or be blank on each of the user (if they are blank Dynamics NAV will use the setup in the General Ledger Setup table).


Preventing posting in a company this way is very useful in some cases. It could for example be that you are implementing Dynamics NAV and prior to go-live you want users to work on master data and orders but not post anything, this will allow this.

Thanks  olof simren( for sharing this information.


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